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Organization Training
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Time: 4:00:00 PM
- 5:30:00 PM
Location: SUB Alumni Room (2105)
Current: 2
Max: 30
Description: In collaboration with the Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Public Safety, Institutional Compliance, and U&I, there will be Student Leader and Advisor Trainings. The training will assist organizational leaders understand how their organizational operations intersect with federal, state and local policies/procedures.
Department: Union & Involvement Services
Instructor: U&I, DPS, OCCS, and Institutional Compliance
Contact: orgs@truman.edu
Organization Training
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Time: 10:00:00 AM
- 11:30:00 AM
Location: BH 102
Current: 0
Max: 30
Description: In collaboration with the Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Public Safety, Institutional Compliance, and U&I, there will be Student Leader and Advisor Trainings. The training will assist organizational leaders understand how their organizational operations intersect with federal, state and local policies/procedures.
Department: Union & Involvement Services
Instructor: U&I, DPS, OCCS, and Institutional Compliance
Contact: orgs@truman.edu
Organization Training
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Time: 1:00:00 PM
- 2:30:00 PM
Location: BH 102
Current: 2
Max: 30
Description: In collaboration with the Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Public Safety, Institutional Compliance, and U&I, there will be Student Leader and Advisor Trainings. The training will assist organizational leaders understand how their organizational operations intersect with federal, state and local policies/procedures.
Department: Union & Involvement Services
Instructor: U&I, DPS, OCCS, and Institutional Compliance
Contact: orgs@truman.edu
Organization Training
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Time: 4:30:00 PM
- 6:00:00 PM
Location: SUB Alumni Room
Current: 0
Max: 30
Description: In collaboration with the Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Public Safety, Institutional Compliance, and U&I, there will be Student Leader and Advisor Trainings. The training will assist organizational leaders understand how their organizational operations intersect with federal, state and local policies/procedures
Department: Union & Involvement Services
Instructor: U&I, DPS, OCCS, and Institutional Compliance
Contact: orgs@truman.edu
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